
Terms of Use of the Butte Technical Community

Jump to the English version
生效日期:2024 年 8 月 27 日




  • 免费,开源,共享,无需付费VIP。普通用户每天可以获得3次下载机会,新注册48小时内只能获取1次。
  • 资源大多未改动且无病毒,与开发者分发的相同(除成员修改的部分)。
  • 众多成员积极互助。
  • 针对不同主题有分类明确的子论坛。


  1. 用英文/中文进行书写,需帖子结构清晰,包含必要信息,避免混乱。
  2. 若通过分享获取收益,可用单层广告(短链接生成器类型),但不能有第二层广告,链接要有效且内容真实。违规者账号将被永久封禁。
  3. 不得分享限制下载速度或需高级账户才能下载的链接,推荐使用谷歌网盘、蓝奏云、阿里云等不限制下载速度的平台。
  4. 分享许可证、高级账户等敏感信息时,要使用“… 插入 – 剧透”选项,并确保不违反版权。
  5. 文明交流,尊重他人,禁止使用辱骂或侮辱性语言。
  6. 您提交的内容可能会被审查,违规内容将被处理,我们有权随时删除或修改,甚至终止您对论坛的访问,且处理时可能不通知。
  7. 严禁滥发垃圾信息,不得发布与现有内容完全相同的内容,不发违规链接,尤其是指向第三方盗版、破解等相关的网站。
  8. 各论坛版块可能有额外规则,需查看置顶通知或公告。
  9. 禁止为获取不当利益创建重复账号,参与促销、赠品活动等要合规。
  10. 违反规则会被警告扣分,达到一定分数会被封禁,新用户违规可能立即被封禁。
  11. 发布友情链接或推荐链接需符合特定条件,如用户注册至少 3 个月、有 100 个反应分数且警告分数不超 5 分。
  12. 严格禁止上传恶意程序:严禁上传带有病毒、木马的程序。一旦发现,将立即永久封禁账号及对应的 IP 段。只要被本社区的 AI 风控系统检测到相关违规账号,未来 48 小时内新注册的账号也会被封禁。


  1. 评论帖子要符合规则,如用户账号需存在 48 小时以上,要在“介绍”部分适当介绍自己,且个人资料要有至少 10 条“消息”等。
  2. 提出需求之前要遵循规则,包括先在“介绍版块”自我介绍、个人资料。至少存在 2 小时、不能连续发布过多请求帖子等。
  3. 禁止讨论敏感话题:社区用户严禁在网站内讨论政治、军事、战争等敏感性话题。此类内容可能引发不必要的争议和潜在风险,违反此规定者将受到相应的处理。
  4. 禁止无证据恶意评价资源为病毒等,要正确理解开发人员的加密代码等。
  5. 严禁以任何形式分享或销售网站、论坛的数据库泄漏、备份数据等,禁止分享用于欺诈活动的内容。
  6. 禁止在帖子中索要他人联系方式用于不当目的。
  7. 分享高级账号访问权限有限制,如不能通过 Cookie 分享。
  8. 对分享的资源设置下载限制要合规,如密码保护的要求等。


English version

Terms of Use for Bute Technology Community

Effective Date: August 27, 2024

Forum Overview

This forum provides a convenient sharing and communication platform for those in need (especially website administrators). You can download various types of scripts, software, themes, plugins, etc. here, and you can also discuss related issues or solve problems for others. If you haven’t registered yet, please do it as soon as possible.

Features of the Bute Technology Community

  • Free, open source, shared, no need for paid VIP. Ordinary users can get 3 download opportunities per day, and new registrations can only get 1 within 48 hours.
  • Most of the resources are unchanged and virus-free, the same as those distributed by developers (except for the parts modified by members).
  • Many members actively help each other.
  • There are clearly classified sub-forums for different topics.

Forum Terms and Rules

  1. Write in English/Chinese. The post structure should be clear, including necessary information and avoiding confusion.
  2. If you earn through sharing, you can use single-layer ads (short link generator type), but there cannot be a second layer of ads. The link should be valid and the content should be true. Accounts of violators will be permanently banned.
  3. Prohibition of Discussing Sensitive Topics: Community users are strictly prohibited from discussing sensitive topics such as politics, military affairs, and wars within the website. Such content may cause unnecessary disputes and potential risks, and those who violate this regulation will be dealt with accordingly.
  4. Do not share links that limit download speed or require a premium account to download. It is recommended to use platforms such as Google Drive, LanZou Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc. that do not limit download speed.
  5. When sharing sensitive information such as licenses and premium accounts, use the “… Insert – Spoiler” option and ensure no copyright violation.
  6. Communicate politely, respect others, and prohibit the use of abusive or insulting language.
  7. The content you submit may be reviewed, and violations will be dealt with. We have the right to delete or modify at any time, and even terminate your access to the forum, and may not notify when processing.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to spam, not to post the same content as existing ones, and not to post illegal links, especially those pointing to third-party pirated, cracked, and related websites.
  9. Each forum section may have additional rules. Please check the top notice or announcement.
  10. It is prohibited to create duplicate accounts for improper benefits. Participation in promotions, giveaway activities, etc. should be compliant.
  11. Violating the rules will result in warning and deduction of points. Reaching a certain score will result in a ban. New users who violate the rules may be banned immediately.
  12. Posting friendship links or recommendation links must meet specific conditions, such as users being registered for at least 3 months, having 100 reaction scores, and the warning score not exceeding 5 points.
  13. Strict Prohibition of Uploading Malicious Programs: It is strictly prohibited to upload programs with viruses or Trojans. Once discovered, the account and the corresponding IP segment will be permanently banned immediately. As long as the relevant violating account is detected by the AI risk control system of this community, the newly registered accounts within the next 48 hours will also be banned.

Regarding Comments, Requests, Causing Chaos and Resource Abuse

  1. Comment posts should comply with the rules. For example, user accounts need to exist for more than 48 hours, and they should introduce themselves appropriately in the “Introduction” section, and the personal profile should have at least 10 “messages”, etc.
  2. Making requests should follow the rules, including introducing yourself in the “Introduction Sub-Forum” first, the personal profile existing for at least 2 hours, and not continuously posting too many request posts, etc.
  3. It is prohibited to maliciously evaluate resources as viruses without evidence. Correctly understand the encrypted code of developers, etc.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to share or sell website and forum database leaks, backup data, etc. in any form, and it is prohibited to share content for fraud activities.
  5. It is prohibited to ask for others’ contact information for improper purposes in the posts.
  6. There are restrictions on sharing access rights to premium accounts, such as not sharing through Cookies.
  7. Setting download restrictions for shared resources should be compliant, such as password protection requirements, etc.

Please abide by the above terms and jointly maintain a good environment of the community.

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